Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Intellectual Development Child Theory by Theorist, Piaget

High/ Scope is based upon a well-known child theorist Piaget and his intellectual development theory. His theory promotes realistic educational experiences geared to the child’s current stages of development, the constructive process of learning necessary to broaden emerging intellectual and social skills. (Morrison, 2010). High/scope helps teacher become more effective in their classrooms. Researchers have linked early intervention with infants to brain enhancement. By having direct action- physical and intellectual engagement with experiences – in addition to problem solving and repletion ensures that the synapses or neural pathways become stronger. (French, 2007). They develop competence and as a result, confidence and are intrinsically motivated to learn. Otherwise, when a child is exposed at an early age to interactions with an adults, through communications, play, and involvement on a regularly basis the child will develop the skills to be more aware and comfortab le in their environment and eager to learn new things. High/scope model is designed around the â€Å"whole child† their skills that they have not yet achieved and skills that they have already achieved. The goal is to learn the â€Å"whole child† and base the curriculum around their knowledge to promote, build upon and/or enhance their knowledge. Goals are created to educate but challenge the child not beyond their abilities. High/scope has three fundamentalShow MoreRelatedJean Piaget And Lev Vygotsky848 Words   |  4 Pagesare many theorists who have discovered different things about child development. Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky are two of those many theorists. Both of these theorists have their own beliefs on how children develop. 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