Wednesday, May 6, 2020

History of Roman Theatre free essay sample

In Roman History, theatre was a huge part in the lives of Romans. The shows they put on were normally related to Greek theatre, and many of the writers for these live performances got their Ideas from the Greeks. Plays were not performed dally In Pompeii, usually only at festivals that were put on several times a year. There would be no business arouse that day, no stores were open the days of the plays and festivals. As well as the no business being done in the forum, everyone would focus mainly on the performed plays. Members of the town council had reserved seating ND didnt have to rush to get there like everyone else, upper class had a benefit with the seating when it came to those underneath them. Coins at the entrance indicated where the upper class would sit during the plays and those seats were given to them. We will write a custom essay sample on History of Roman Theatre or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The seats they sat on during the show were stone, which you would think is pretty uncomfortable. When citizens of Pompeii went to the plays, they often had to get there much quicker than the upper class, but not only that: they also brought their slaves to the plays with them. Roman theaters were designed for stage plays, and certain theaters were designed for different performances. Amphitheaters were designed for shows of gladiators and wild animals, the Circuses were famous and designed for chariot races, the Machine was the place for sea battles, and so on. Each theatre for the Romans meant a different type of play, and Romans loved to watch combat. The more realistic the violence, the more they enjoyed it. They especially liked to watch gladiator fights and blood sports, but there were more than Just combat shows. There were more theaters In Roman times, like the Done where they played music, read poetry, and held lectures. Theatres in Roman times were buildings in the shape of half a circle and they were built on level ground with seats that were stadium-style like they still are today to bring the audience up. These buildings were large, and although they held about 5,000 people In the first few built, they eventually could hold 15,000. The theatre was split in half with the auditorium (where everyone sat) and the orchestra (along with the stage. They also depended the seating on height and age. The stage in the Roman Theatre was about five feet high, and the stage was 20 40 feet deep and 100 300 feet long. There was a stage house behind the stage, a lot like what is called backstage nowadays, doors were placed in the center and on the sides, and right door was reserved for the second actor while the left door was for the person who was less Important. Dressing rooms were held In the side wings and the entrance the actors usually entered through was an opening that was curtained. In the history of Roman performances on stage, only men could act in them. There couldnt be any women actors. They were made to perform with masks and costumes on, and every mask and every costume identified what character you were. The first from the Greeks. They set up temporary stages closer to the temples where they would celebrate, and Roman theatre was associated with religious festivals for gods. Festivals that often held plays was Pollinates (honored the god Apollo), Romania (honored the god Jupiter), and Megacycles Cyber (honored Mother Goddess)

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