Thursday, February 13, 2020

Characteristics of Innovative Organisations Term Paper

Characteristics of Innovative Organisations - Term Paper Example Organizations that have strong visions are more capable of appreciating and utilizing people's creative talents. With a strong vision comes a better focus on the long term outcome. This enables the company to devise different creative and innovative ways to reach that outcome. True vision is defined as the ability of the organization to create a strong future from nothing. It is a fact that all the organizations have a past and a history. Strong vision enables the company to have a strong future irrespective of the past. That is why having visionaries are the most important feature of such innovative organizations (Donna, Prestwood & Schumann, 2003). Because they can create such a vision or redefine an old vision that can bring success to the organization. They are not dictated by the past and history of the organization but on the other hand that does not mean that they neglect this factor completely. They learn from the mistakes of the past and try to improve their methods and prac tices. Innovative organizations are constantly looking forward to re-inventing themselves in a very flexible manner but without losing the necessary focus. They are constantly driven by their vision of the future and they continually push forward to achieve this. They are very proactive in nature. They like to create their own future rather than react to the future dictated by others around them. Change towards the better is their first priority rather than the last as is the case with most of the organizations around the world (Donna, Prestwood & Schumann, 2003). Innovative organizations try their very best to know their customers. They learn from the needs of their customers and often let this factor dictate their innovation. They increase their innovation and competitiveness to cater to the varying needs of their customers. They are constantly in the process of thinking about their products and changing them.  

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Cardiac changes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cardiac changes - Essay Example This leads to enhanced impedance to left ventricular ejection, an elevated systolic arterial pressure, and consequent interstitial fibrosis and left ventricular hypertrophy. Also, an aging person experiences a decline in the proportion of myocardial relaxation. The left ventricle takes a long time to relax, becomes stiffer, and also takes a longer time to fill in diastole. This enhances the significance of a correctly timed atrial contraction in adding to an ordinary left ventricular end-diastolic size. In addition, getting old is linked to enhanced sinoatrial node conduction duration and a decrease in the intrinsic heart rate. The reaction to postural modifications is different between youthful individuals and elderly people as cardiac productivity is controlled by rising heart rate in the youthful individuals, in contrast to the elderly people who depend on a rise in stroke capacity to balance. Also, for the aged individuals, all through exercise the tachycardic reaction is lessene d. Cardiac production is controlled by a rise in stroke capacity in a number of people, while in other individuals there is no compensation and the capacity of aerobics is lessened. Finally, physiologic aging causes a prolonged isotonic contraction and a diminished velocity of shortening (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, 2011). The Altered Presentation and Modifications of Therapy Therapies that lessen, prevent, or deal with blood clots have been significant in lessening cardiovascular mortality or morbidity. One, administration of low dose aspirin has prolonged advantage in managing and preventing popular cardiovascular diseases, for example, coronary artery disease. In addition, the administration of aspirin has been significant in the initial prevention of stroke and heart attack in high risk elderly patients. Two, there has been the utilization of anticoagulation with warfarin for avoidance of stroke peripheral venous issues of a tremendous forms of surgical practices in dif ferent clinical attempts. Chronic warfarin therapy diminishes the most dreaded problems of stroke in older patients with chronic atrial fibrillation. Nonetheless, warfarin therapy needs recurrent blood tests for control of the dose (American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association, 2011). Three, older patients may undergo antihypertensive therapy. Antihypertensive therapy in older patients has been utilized for thiazide diuretics solely or together with beta blockers. Beta blockers or Thiazide diuretics have been recommended for therapy for elderly patients suffering from hypertension due to affordable costs and proven longevity advantages. Also, each drug dosage is usually regulated for disease-related and age modifications. Finally, there are therapies that have been modified to restore the sinus rhythm. This is usually taken into account in older patients with unusual cardiovascular function or atrial arrhythmias which is not easy to manage, or which is not of long-stand ing. Nonetheless, novel therapies are being established for specified signs that could offer better protection and easiness of utilization (American College of Cardiology, 2009). Identify Cardiovascular Diseases and Treatments As elderly individuals exist for long, they may suffer from a number of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, these people may suffer from a health condition that may lead to a different condition or damage if not adequately handled. There are a